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John Eliot: America’s Tyndale
John Eliot, a Puritan pastor, spent nearly sixty years in Massachusetts, famously translating the Bible into Massachusett for Native Americans, creating America’s first printed Bible. Known as the “Apostle to the Indians,” he built praying towns and preached tirelessly until his death in 1690.
A New Work of God
I have heard from many people across the country asking questions about what is happening at the church I have the privilege of pastoring, Capital Community Church. This post is my attempt to answer those questions in one place!
“I Believe in Preaching”: Sermons Available Free of Charge
God-ordained preaching. Preaching is not man’s idea but God’s idea. In fact, you could say that when God created the world, He did so by preaching. God created the cosmos simply by proclaiming a Word (Gen 1:2).
A Legacy Lost: The Tragedy of a Fallen Leader
It is infinitely better for sin to be revealed than for it to remain concealed—even though it rarely feels that way in the moment. No ministry success can compare to our fellowship with the risen Christ.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s Warning About ‘Dead Orthodoxy’
I posted on X this past week that the greatest danger to the modern evangelical church is to drift into progressivism. Here’s the full post: “The greatest threat to the modern church: progressivism.
“This is unjust”: Travesty at the Olympics
Yesterday, in the Olympic Games, Italian boxer Angela Carina surrendered her boxing match to Algerian boxer Imane Khelif after just two punches and forty-six seconds. Before she forfeited, she cried out, “This is unjust.”
Doctrine is Not Enough
All true Christian experience must begin with sound doctrine. That is why elders are given the responsibility to “teach sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it” (Tit. 1:9).
Downgrade in the SBC?
At the end of his life, Charles Spurgeon faced a great controversy in the Baptist Union, which he called the “downgrade.” The Baptist Union would even censure him for his outspoken warnings against it in his magazine, The Sword and the Trowel.
The Conversion of Martyn Lloyd-Jones
To become a genuine believer in Jesus Christ, a miracle must happen. You must be born again (John 3:3). The new birth, which comes through the Holy Spirit’s application of the Word of God to our hearts, recalibrates our souls (1 Pet. 1:23).
The Desperate Need for Preachers
I recently spoke with the dean of theology at a major Christian college. I asked him how things were going in the world of Christian education.
Resisting the Wiles of the Devil
This morning, I revisited the event regarding Jesus’s temptation by Satan in Luke’s Gospel. Something about the second temptation struck me. Satan offered Jesus the “authority” and “glory” of the
The Secret Key to Success
There is something innate in the Puritan worldview, which I think has been critical to success for a long time in America’s history, regardless of the endeavor. This secret key to success is grounded in the Puritan’s God-centered worldview.
A Personal Tribute to Wayne Grudem
Theologian Wayne Grudem announced his retirement from the public teaching ministry yesterday (May 2, 2024). When I read the announcement, my mind rushed back to my first hearing of the name Wayne Grudem.
What is God-Centered Christianity?
The central aim of Unashamed Truth as a ministry is to advance what I call “God-centered Christianity.” God-centered Christianity, as the name intuitively suggests, centers itself on the honor and glory of the triune God.
Expository Preaching: The Most Urgent Need in the World
There is a quote I came across in Martyn Lloyd-Jones’s Preaching and Preachers that has stayed with me ever since I first read it years ago. It is somewhat famous, or even notorious, depending on what circles you run in.
The Path to Wisdom
I once was driving around with my kids, and one of them asked me a great question. They said, “Dad, what is a mature Christian?” In that question, I felt a desire in their heart to be a mature Christian! So, I’m driving my truck and thinking, “That’s a great question.”
The Meaning of the Atonement
When I first moved to Raleigh to begin pastoring Capital Community Church in 2019, another pastor in town asked me about my theory of the atonement. I told him that I taught the penal substitutionary view of the atonement.
Writing on David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899–1981) died three years before I was born, but somehow, I feel like I know the man. I was first introduced to the Welsh Lloyd-Jones by two Scotsmen, Sinclair Ferguson …
What Makes Preaching Excellent?
What God requires first and foremost of every preacher of the gospel is faithfulness. “Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:2).
Empowering Leaders for Righteousness
Last night, I had the honor of giving the keynote address at the Capitol Commission annual banquet. Capitol Commission is a ministry whose aim is to reach government officials with the gospel.