Resisting the Wiles of the Devil

This morning, I revisited the event regarding Jesus’s temptation by Satan in Luke’s Gospel. Something about the second temptation struck me. Satan offered Jesus the “authority” and “glory” of the kingdoms of the world if he would only bow before him (Luke 4:7). What struck me is this: Satan, who Paul calls “the god of this world,” possessed the power to actually deliver (2 Cor 2:4). He had the power to cause the wealth, fame, and honor of the world to come to Christ.  

But it would come at a price. Jesus must bow the knee to Satan. He must ‘make a deal with the Devil,’ as we say. Of course, Jesus rebuffed Satan’s temptation, quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.”

The Dark Path to Vain Glory

What also struck me is that Satan still possesses and exercises the same power today to entrap souls. He offers fame, vain glory, extravagant wealth, and opportunity if only we will commit gross sin. Usually, this temptation comes with the offer of forbidden fruit, like with our first parents, Adam and Eve, of which if you take a bite, there is no going back. Once the Rubicon is crossed, Satan is able to lead you further down the path to your ultimate spiritual death, all the while giving you wealth, fame, and pleasure along the way. He numbs the soul and hardens the conscience, all while satisfying the lusts of the eyes.

I have read many stories of Hollywood stars who, to make the big marquees, compromised their integrity under pressure from industry producers and directors. The temptation is the same in politics, business, sports, and many other areas.

Satan offers the world. All he asks for in return is your soul.

But make no mistake—once the compromise is made, he owns you. You become a willing participant in his scheme of darkness, and it is impossible to escape it.

This is why Peter warned us, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Pet 5:8). He loves devouring souls while providing pleasure and the novelties of the world all the way down (see Proverbs 5).

The Only Hope from the Net

Earlier I said it is hopeless to extract ourselves out of such a ‘deal with the Devil.’ That is because, in our sinful flesh, we never will. ‘There is no one who seeks for God’ (Rom 3:10). The only way out of such a situation is the work of the Holy Spirit through the gospel. The Holy Spirit must radically intervene through the truth in order for such a soul to be saved. Paul said in 2 Corinthians 4 that our spiritual eyes must be opened “by the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor 4:6).

The Holy Spirit must enable us to see the fleeting wickedness of our sin and the hopelessness of the Devil’s deal (most never get here). He must cause us to see the beauty and majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ. He must put the spark of faith in our hearts so we may look to Christ in true faith and repentance (John 3:14, 15). He must cause us to desire to worship God and Him only.

What Repentance Looks Like

Repentance comes from the Greek word metanoia. It literally means to “change your mind.” This is the critical part, and often, we must not only repent of our sin but also of the successes that resulted from that sin. This is because if the Devil is able to keep his hooks in us, he will steer us for his purposes. We must come to the light in every facet of our lives and stay in the light. The apostle John said:

“But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God” (John 3:21).

This is why it is so difficult for a born again Christian to be successful in so many industries. Those who refuse to compromise the ethics of the kingdom are inevitably ostracized. The Devil hates it when Daniels are in charge. The Devil hates it when Josephs are successful. So, he thwarts true Christians at every step. True Christianity, then, often means passing on the success of the world to be faithful to Jesus. 

The Silver Lining 

Of course, the silver lining in all of this is that God sees. Though they seem to advance, the wicked will be finally judged (Psalm 11; Psalm 73). The righteous, though often downtrodden, possess a magnificent reward in Heaven (Matt 5:11, 12). Moreover, the righteous have the satisfaction of the soul (Psalm 16:1) and a clear conscience (1 Cor 4:4). Is there anything as valuable in the world as a clear conscience?

Finally, God is sovereign. If he wants you to have any success in an industry, He is infinitely more powerful than the Devil! He will cause you to flourish, if it is His will. And the flourishing of God has not the bitter bite of the forbidden fruit. Instead, it has all the delights of God Himself. So “taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8). Resist the Devil. And resist Him, knowing that God offers you infinite joy at His right hand (Psalm 16:11).

Grant Castleberry

Grant Castleberry is the senior pastor of Capital Community Church, Raleigh, NC and the president and founder of Unashamed Truth Ministries. Grant is a regular contributor to Tabletalk Magazine and the author of the forthcoming, The Honor of God published by Ligonier Ministries. Grant and his wife, GraceAnna, have five children and live in Raleigh.

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